Washington Green Hydrogen Alliance Celebrates Major Victories for Washington-Made Green Hydrogen in 2022 Legislative Session

March 11, 2022

Washington Green Hydrogen Alliance Celebrates Legislation Victory

Legislature Advanced Bipartisan, Comprehensive Legislation That Will Grow State’s Green Hydrogen Industry, Invested in Foundation for Public-Private Partnership to Compete for Billions in Federal Funding for Washington State-Based Clean Hydrogen Hub 

Leaders in House Also Formed Bipartisan Hydrogen Caucus

OLYMPIA, WA - The Washington Green Hydrogen Alliance (WGHA) (www.wagreenhydrogen.com), the statewide advocacy group for Washington State’s fast-growing green hydrogen industry, today celebrated major victories for Washington-made green hydrogen in the 2022 Legislative Session, which concluded its business for this year yesterday. The steps taken by the Legislature will grow Washington State’s green hydrogen economy, and help families and businesses benefit from an affordable, Washington-made, zero-carbon fuel source.

Over the last 60 days, House and Senate members acted to:

●      Pass bipartisan legislation, SB 5910. The legislation, which was approved in a 49-0 vote in the Senate on February 12 and then by a 96-2 vote in the House on March 7, followed by a unanimous concurrence vote in the Senate on March 9, will accelerate the availability and use of evergreen hydrogen in the use of state by, among other key provisions, authorizing municipal utilities and public utility districts to produce, use, sell, and distribute green hydrogen. Click here to learn more.

●      Invest $1.1 million in the newly-created Office of Renewable Fuels

●      Invest $2 million to support an application by a public-private partnership entity for federal funding, potentially up to $1 billion, to develop a regional clean hydrogen hub

●      Form the new, bipartisan Hydrogen Caucus in the House, which will be taking shape over the interim under the leadership of Representatives David Hackney (D-Tukwila) and Peter Abbarno (R-Centralia).


“This session, our leaders in Olympia took important bipartisan steps to seize the evergreen hydrogen opportunity for our state, and improve our climate, air, water, and economy with evergreen hydrogen made right here in Washington. That includes making a strong statement of bipartisan support for a public-private partnership so Washington can compete to be a regional clean energy hub under the U.S. Department of Energy,” said Washington Green Hydrogen Alliance Executive Director Tim Zenk. 

“We especially want to thank Representative David Hackney and Representative Peter Abbarno for agreeing to Co-Chair the newly-formed bipartisan Hydrogen Caucus in the House of Representatives,” added WGHA Government Relations Director Dave Warren.

“Evergreen hydrogen is a growing industry in our state, and a key to our clean energy future,” said Representative David Hackney (D-Tukwila). “We will continue to work with communities, experts, and stakeholders to explore other steps we can take to expand the production and use of evergreen hydrogen here in our state.”

“I am proud that we worked together across party lines to advance a clean technology that is good for our economy and our entire state,” said Representative Peter Abbarno (R-Centralia). “Evergreen hydrogen is an important fuel technology for transportation in our state, and we are in a position to be a national leader in making and using renewable hydrogen.”

Washington State is uniquely positioned to be a global green hydrogen leader because of our abundant supplies of low-cost renewable electricity from hydropower and wind. In addition, Washington State has responsible climate, clean energy and clean fuels policies that are driving additional investment in clean energy, and are directing us on a path to a carbon-free future.

About the Washington Green Hydrogen Alliance 

The Washington Green Hydrogen Alliance (WGHA) works to grow the state’s green hydrogen industry and ensure families and businesses can benefit from an affordable, zero-emission alternative fuel source made in Washington State. Founded in 2021, the WGHA works with its members across the state’s green hydrogen industry - including project developers, aerospace, marine, vehicle manufacturers, utilities, transit agencies, and zero-emission vehicle advocates - to ensure that Washington State is a green hydrogen leader. The WGHA advocates for local and state policies that advance Washington’s fossil fuel-free green hydrogen economy and drive innovation, development, and manufacturing. To learn more, visit www.wagreenhydrogen.com. 



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